We would love your donations for our Cheer Bags!
What is a cheer bag?
Think of a cheer bag as the same as Christmas stocking . Filled with the basic personal care items, like tooth paste, deodorant , but also some "fun items" like candy/snacks , socks, Christmas ornament etc .
The cheer bags we will be collecting are for seniors that do not live in a care home - they have their own homes/apartment, but would often would be considered low Income. These are seniors we do not have on our adoption list, and this is often the only gift they receive.
Here are some suggestions of items you can use for cheer bag items, feel free to comment other ideas, share pics, so we can update our list.
Personal care items (deodorant/ soap/ tooth paste )
Shaving cream/ razors
Hat /scarf
Candy / treats
$5 tims card
Face cloth
Adult colouring books and pencils
Hand sanitizer
Small stuffed animal
Deck of cards
Crosswords /word search
Christmas ornament
We will be accepting donations until December 2nd!